Mallon Transport Services opens new training centre


Mallon Transport Services)

These are exciting times for Mallon Transport Services Ltd which recently opened a new training facility at its premises in Portadown, Co. Armagh.

Offering Transport Manager, Transport Manager Refresher and Driver CPC Modular courses, the CILT-approved centre is strategically located just off the M1 Motorway on the same site as Lavery Transport and the M12 Truck Wash at 14 Derryvore Lane in Portadown. It’s another string to the bow of Mallon Transport Services which has been offering exceptional compliance services to hauliers across Ireland since 2016.

“It’s going very well,” managing director Philip Mallon enthuses.

“The training centre is approved by the CILT (Chartered Institute of Logistics & Transport) for RHA Transport Manager, Transport Manager Refresher and Driver CPC Modular courses. It has given us a permanent base which means that I don’t have to move around as much as I used to. I can now provide courses both inhouse and outhouse.

“I received an SQA qualification recently which is a widely recognised training qualification. I’m always striving to learn more and provide a wider range of services to the transport industry.”

Mallon Transport Services offers a variety of packages for all your compliance and tracking needs. These include: full tracking systems for vehicles and equipment; remote downloading (subject to compatible tachograph equipment); tachograph analysis and regular tachograph reports; scheduled vehicle tachograph and driver tachograph card downloading; driver’s daily walk around check App; and camera systems.

Each item listed above can be acquired independently or as a customised package as per your requirements for a fixed monthly cost over the duration of an agreed contract.

Other services include: road haulage operator licence applications; Driver CPC training; transport manager training, including transport manager refresher courses; independent auditing of internal compliance systems and procedures; and public enquiries and tribunals.

For Philip, the initial interest in compliance came about eight years ago when a friend asked him to have a look at his compliance systems prior to an upcoming audit. It sent him on a whole new career path from driving. Philip obtained his HGV license in 2001, and since that time compliance “has become the major player”, impacting every business in the haulage game.

He set up Mallon Transport Services with the aim of helping and supporting haulage companies with their compliance audits. Since then, Philip has successfully undertaken compliance audits for every customer.

“As every haulier knows, compliance is essential in the industry and what we do here is offer a complete compliance service to hauliers,” he explains.

“I’ve had a background in the transport industry for almost 30 years and I travel the country educating operators and drivers. We provide driver and operator training courses. We also provide Digital & Analogue Tachograph Downloading & Analysis suited to the company’s needs. whether it be via manual onsite service or remote downloading systems.”

Repeat business is a major aspect of what Mallon Transport Services is about. Philip’s expertise and client-focused approach has enabled him to adapt to the needs of every customer from a single vehicle haulier to large fleet operators.

“I started off as a driver and when I qualified as a Transport Manager, I then started to learn about the compliance side of the industry,” he says.

“It’s all about education and my job essentially is education of both the operator and the driver. I’ve always talked to a driver as a driver and it’s my responsibility to try and eliminate the faults, and help them learn more about compliance within the industry.”

He added: “It’s about making the company aware of their responsibilities in regard to compliance within the industry and helping and supporting them to put systems in place to achieve this. We have a large and loyal customer-base. We’ve never had to advertise. All our work is secured through word of mouth and referrals from existing clients.

"I've also received great support from family and friends."

It’s a far cry from when Philip first started out in the industry at the turn of the millennium.

"I got my HGV license in 2001 and back then the level of education with regards to compliance in the haulage industry was pretty basic or non-existent,” he recalls.

“Since then, compliance has become a major player in the industry. In 2016, my friend asked me to come over and help him set up his systems in preparation for his compliance audit. He successfully passed his audit and Mallon Transport Services was established from this.

“Thankfully, every audit I’ve completed since has been successful.”

For Philip, “it’s all about mutual respect in the haulage industry”. Much of the work he carries out sees him dealing with the same clients month in, month out to ensure that their standards are up to regulation.

“Repeat business is key. I see the same people every month and there’s always room to grow and help more hauliers within the industry. I’ve always had the intention of growing the business. My main goal is to keep hauliers compliant with regulations.”

Asked what the secret of Mallon Transport Services’ success is, the affable owner replies: “I’d like to think that I tell it like I see it. I’ve been in the business for a long time, starting at the bottom and working in every aspect of the industry on my way to where I am now. One thing I’ve always felt in this industry is that if you’re willing to tell someone the truth, you’ll earn their respect.

“It’s about telling a person honestly – that’s the industry I grew up in.”

For all your compliance consultancy needs, be sure to give Mallon Transport Services a call today.

Mallon Transport Services Ltd

14 Derryvore Lane,



Co. Armagh BT63 5RS.

Telephone: 028 385 62008 / 0044 75 99577800

Email: [email protected]

First published in Irish Trucker magazine June 2024, Vol 27-3