Record-breaking cargo of scale handled by Port of Waterford

A vessel load of 80 metre-long wide-turbine blades, the largest ever in size to be imported to Ireland were shipped to the Port of Waterford due to the Port’s expansive riverside space, ability to handle cargo of exceptional size and proximity to the motorway network.
The vessel, BBC Citrine 153m arrived from Turkey with the 80m long blades, which are the longest ever imported to Ireland, and it is believed are also the longest in the UK. The record-breaking exceptional loads of wind turbine blades were unloaded and are currently been stored at the Port. They will then be transported by road to their destination at Cushaling Wind Farm, Co. Offaly.
Port of Waterford CEO David Sinnott says, “Port of Waterford was chosen as it is the only port in Ireland capable of handling these long components, in addition, a second ship arrived with the tower section components for the same project.
"While the Port of Waterford handed similar cargo in 2023 this is the first time that components of this scale were handled through an Irish Port.
"I would like to take this opportunity to thank the personnel here at the Port, again the team worked together to ensure smooth delivery. Thank you to the Port of Waterford marine, tug and mooring operatives, pilots, agents, stevedoring cargo handlers, South East Port Services and transport operators, Colletts Transport and Celtic Shipping; who are all playing an important role in the current and future provision of clean renewable energy to the national grid.
"The role that our national ports will play in the provision of offshore wind energy is a current topic and this particular project proves the important role that port teams are already providing in the creation of the current onshore wind energy infrastructure.
"Port of Waterford is strategically positioned to support the future offshore wind energy sector and has currently proposed a 250m quay extension to further support this work and future growth in the sector while also recently applying for a Marine Area consent (MAC) to the Marine Area Regulatory Authority (MARA).
"Here at Port of Waterford, we know that the proposed new facility and the proven expertise of the Port of Waterford team will ensure the further and future provision of even more clean renewable energy for our grid whilst also having a great economic impact on the entire South East region.”
Cushaling Wind Farm is being developed by Statkraft and will mark the first use of the Vestas V162-6.2 MW EnVentus turbines in the Irish market. The 9 turbines, which have a tip height of 185 metres and will be the largest on any wind farm in Ireland, will maximise the potential of the local wind energy resource. The nine-turbine development, which will deliver 55.8MW of urgently needed clean renewable energy to the grid, represents a €95 million investment by the company.