Applegreen commercial fleet now Driving CarbonNeutral®

Applegreen has announced that its entire commercial fleet, fuelling communities across Ireland, has begun Driving CarbonNeutral®.
Applegreen will offset all carbon emissions from fuel used by its own fleet of trucks, delivery vans and company cars through purchasing carbon offsetting credits to support a clean water initiative in East Africa that will offset more than 100,000 tonnes of carbon each year.
“This is a further significant step on Applegreen’s sustainability journey,” Applegreen COO, Joe Barrett, said. “We will be offsetting 2,500 tonnes of carbon per year from our own footprint by offsetting the emissions from our own commercial fleet and delivery vehicles.”
“At Applegreen, we’re acutely aware of the contribution we need to make to a low carbon future, for present and future generations,” Mr Barrett said. “Carbon offsetting is something we can use to limit the global impact of fossil fuels and help our customers make a positive choice for the planet now, as we continue the transition towards electric vehicles.”
What is carbon offsetting?
Carbon offsetting is a way of compensating for emissions produced by everyday activity (including driving) by funding an equivalent carbon dioxide saving elsewhere. The transition to new low carbon transport systems is a long-term global objective, so in the meantime, offsetting enables Applegreen to give customers a carbon neutral option and fund projects that are delivering emission reductions now.
Carbon neutral certification is awarded to businesses taking climate action in accordance with The CarbonNeutral Protocol, which provides a framework for organisations to achieve credible, high quality claims, in line with best practice.
Driving change for customers
PowerPlus advanced premium fuel includes a special additive that delivers fuel economy benefits of up to 3-4% while also reducing CO2 emissions (by some 3.73% for diesel, compared to unadditized fuel). PowerPlus has also been proven to actively clean and restore engines to a ‘like new’ condition as the vehicle is driven.
CarbonNeutral Driving offers a more sustainable choice to Applegreen customers, allowing Irish motorists to limit their carbon footprint today whilst driving traditionally fuelled or hybrid cars.
Applegreen has committed to investing a minimum of €1.5 million in carbon reduction initiatives over the next three years.
Learn more about the Applegreen CarbonNeutral® Driving initiative and sustainability programme and relevant partners here: Carbon Neutral Applegreen