FTAI welcome online facility

The Freight Transport Association of Ireland has welcomed the announcement that a new website has been launched to cater for the Road Transport Operator Licence renewals.
The government’s online service www.rtol.ie allows road haulage and public passenger transport operators to apply for – and manage – their licences online. It was one of the Minister’s key priorities for 2014 and is in line with the eGovernment and Public Service Reform plans.
FTA Ireland has welcomed the development that the Department of Transport, Tourism & Sport is finally moving towards online systems for operator licence application and renewal.
Neil McDonnell, General Manager, FTA Ireland, said: “The licence application process to date has been heavily dependent on paper, and although the Association notes that there is still some paperwork required as part of the online application for Garda vetting, etc.
“We believe it will be more convenient and cost-effective for our members. We also hope the new system will strengthen efforts to remove rogue and non-compliant operators from the licensed transport fleet.”